Sunday, April 25, 2010

girl interrupted...

The smell of creosote pilings and salt water; the sound of gulls, bell bouys and fog horns; the sight of deep misty green mountainsides and endless ocean swells.  Orcas, otters, eagles.  Just six days until the great lines are cast off, and the beautiful M/V Catalyst heads out at 6 knots into the Puget and Queen Charlotte Sound, and the stunning coast of British Columbia.

And Randy, when he gets the chance, will wipe the engine oil off his hands, and the sweat off his brow, and grin from ear to ear.

We expected to be giddy at this point, six days to go, in expectation, planning and packing.  But it has not gone exactly as we planned.  Still, we trust that even as we "make our plans" it is God that "directs our steps."   With much thought, counsel and prayer, our steps are being slightly adjusted.

Due to Carie's Bell's Palsy, she will postpone her part of the trip by 3 weeks.  We are hoping that this will give her more time to heal, regain some strength and stamina, and especially,  recover some blink-ability in her eye!  Who knew that such a small thing could have such a full-time, non-stop impact!

So, Randy flies out on Tuesday, April 27,  and steps aboard the Catalyst in Friday Harbor, WA  on Wednesday the 28th as the new Engineer.  Carie will join them in Juneau on May 20th, for the trip into Glacier Bay, and two more weeks aboard, exploring between Juneau and Petersburg.

Bon Voyage Randy!  Keep us posted !!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's Official !

Wow! It's for real now.
There he is, Official Crew Member, Engineer, Chief Launderer and Overhead Clearance Specialist.  {*bump* :: OW!!}   Shannon Bailey, the office master of the business, put Randy right in there with all the rest of the fabulous crew. You can find him on the "Crew" page on the M/V Catalyst website.

Naturally, a photo of Randy with Pierre the Pig was chosen to inspire confidence in the new Engineer's abilities.  Anyone who can hobble Pierre, obviously, can coax a huge engine to do its best!

One week from today we arrive in Friday Harbor and stow our gear on the beautiful boat.  Right now, gear grows in various piles around the house.  Will I need this extra sweater?  How many pairs of socks? Which hat?  wool or fleece?   Do these rain pants still fit?  Binoculars, check.  Camera, check.  Bird guide, uncheck.  They have plenty.
                                 How will this all fit in my duffel??

Actually, I think, the organization is coming along fairly well. There is a lot to prepare for to be gone into the wilderness for so long, especially as both Randy and I are suffering right now with those unexpected physical setbacks. Without strength of our own just now, how dearly we cling to the One who is our strength. Randy wants to have the major outdoor chores done when I return without him, and we are blessed beyond measure by the kindness of our church community, which has overwhelmed us with offers to help.  It has already made a tremendous difference.  How we love you all !

My onset of Bell's Palsy has been daunting, but I should fit right in on the open sea :)  I am practicing my pirate Yaaaarrr!  with the black patch over my unblinkable eye.  Please continue to pray that I will heal quickly, and be restored to full function soon. 

We deeply believe that God has indeed led us into this Alaska adventure, and so trust that He will provide us with everything we need to fully engage with everything that He has in mind.